StandTastic keyboard stands have been the go-to keyboard stand for professional & home studios, and touring & professional musicians for over 20 years. StandTastic keyboard stands are designed, tested, and patented in the U.S.A. by LM Products.
- 122KS is a two-tier keyboard stand that holds two keyboards (expandable with 100TK tier kit package)
- Fully Collapsible - down to 6"x6"x48"
- Super quick setup and teardown
- Lightweight but not made from plastic - only 20 lbs.
- Accessories for versatility and expansion
- Doesn't bounce
- Ruled markers so you always know that perfect height to set it to
- Adjustable width - up to 36"
- Adjustable arm depth - 12-22"
- Adjustable height - up to 45"
- Carrying bag included
- Designed and patented in the U.S.A. by LM Products
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