How to use ?
Tired of sweaty hands and annoying gloves? allows you to ditch the gloves while still protecting your skin from resin and other harsh chemicals used during windshield repair.
Similar to gloves, Resin Guard creates a barrier on the skin that prevents resin and other harsh chemicals from contacting the skin directly.
How to Use: Rub a pea-sized drop on your fingers and hands before beginning the windshield repair process. Reapply every two hours or as needed.
Safety Recommendations: Residual resin my remain “on top” of this barrier in the same way that resin sticks to gloves. Be sure to wash your hands before eating, touching your eyes, etc. While Resin Guard can withstand occasional hand-washing, it should be reapplied as needed.
- Light, non greasy cream that sinks into the skin within three minutes
of application - Provides temporary emergency protection against many acids and bases
- Invisible, non greasy, microscopic mesh over skin
- Non-toxic and easy to use
- One application lasts four hours despite repeated washing
- Light, non greasy cream that sinks into the skin within three minutes
- Suitable for protecting the skin against paints, oils, greases, petrol, diesel, strong odours, carbon, fibreglass, resins, glues (including super glue) and most probably other harsh chemicals.
- Resin Guard Skin Protectant cream allows you to ditch the gloves while still protecting your skin from resin and other harsh chemicals used during windshield repair. ... Similar to gloves, Resin Guard creates a barrier on the skin that prevents resin and other harsh chemicals from contacting the skin directly.
- Resin Guard Skin Protectant is Simply rub in a pea-sized amount on your hands/fingers before performing windshield repairs. No gloves needed!connect us to